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Issue No. 007
Papers 32-40: Action Items for the road ahead
Are ICTs Prerequisites for the Eradication of Poverty? |
by H.P.P. Lötter |
Language: English |
abstract: I provide a philosophical analysis of the claim that ICTs are necessary preconditions for the eradication of poverty. What are the links between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and poverty? I first define technology and then give a brief depiction of ICTs. Thereafter I define poverty and give a brief explanation of its context and causes. Next I discuss the relationship between poverty and ICTs in three paradigm cases: [i] the role of ICTs in poor societies, [ii] the effect of poor ICT knowledge and skill of individuals in highly developed technological societies, and [iii] the impact of impoverished ICT knowledge and skills on the rich, powerful, and intelligent ones in society. I propose a procedure for decision making about the appropriation of ICTs by individuals and societies. I assess the claim that both access to ICTs and effective use of them are preconditions for the eradication of poverty. |
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Towards Professionalism and Commitment in Africa: the case for theory and practice of Information Ethics in Uganda |
by Isaac Milton Namwanja Kigongo-Bukenya |
Language: English |
abstract: Though one could not exhaustively and conclusively define all the attributes of an information/knowledge society, it seems Uganda has made commandable strides to such society. One of the prerequisites of such society is a corps of well-educated, trained and experienced information professionals to manage information and knowledge effectively in that society. Furthermore, the corps must perform professionally and ethically at all times. To fulfill this, an Information Code of Ethics (ICE) is required. However, Uganda has as yet to establish an ICE because of some reasons. These reasons are outlined in the paper. The ICE has two aspects: theory and practice. These concepts are explained and related. The LA (USA) and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professions (CILIP) formerly the LA (UK) are studied as living examples. The provisions of these ICEs are briefly explained. In view of the past experience a process of establishing an IME for Uganda is considered. The paper concludes with an outline of the content of an IME for Uganda. |
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E-governance in Eastern and Southern Africa: a Webometric study of the Governments' websites |
by Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha |
Language: English |
abstract: This paper explores the adoption of one of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools, i.e. the Internet and more particularly, the World Wide Web, by Eastern and Southern African governments as a means of facilitating interactions between the state and its citizens. It was observed that most governments in the region have constructed their own Web sites, some of which are up to date. English is the most commonly used language to prepare the web sites. Other findings include: foreign missions recorded the highest number of web pages followed by political parties; the .com or .co Top Level Domain (TLD) generated most web pages followed by .ac or .edu in each country; most governments provide contact information as opposed to sitemaps and feedback forms which recorded relatively few postings; governments with few webpages and large quantities of in-links (including self-links) recorded high Web Impact Factors (WIFs); and only the South African government provided links to other Eastern and Southern African governments. Ethical issues regarding the analyzed variables as well as conclusions and recommendations are provided. |
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Towards a creativity research agenda in information ethics
by Justine Johnstone |
Language: English |
abstract: The value for human wellbeing and social development of information and its associated tools and technologies is no longer controversial. While still less well-endowed than other regions, Africa has growing numbers of print and electronic journals, funding programmes, and researcher and practitioner networks concerned with the generation and use of information in multiple domains. Most of this activity focuses on information as a knowledge resource, providing the factual basis for policy and intervention. By contrast more creative applications of information - as the basis for new ideas whether or not they turn out to be factual - has been almost entirely ignored. Being able to generate and develop new ideas is, however, an equally important and arguably a prior capability, but until recently one that has been little understood. Recent advances in cognitive science and creativity research are changing this, however, and it is now possible to see how a rich research agenda can be developed concerned with the role of information and information and communication technology (ICT) as creative resources. |
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Information Ethics: a student's perspective |
by Sarah B. Kaddu |
Language: English |
abstract: Based on personal experience, and content analysis, this paper examines Information Ethics (IE) from a student's perspective. Within this framework the paper defines IE, outlines the history of IE and highlights incidences of IE violations in Uganda. The paper concludes with proposals towards better adherence to IE in Uganda. The paper presents personal experience, observation and a content analysis methodology. |
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Using Information Technology to Create Global Classrooms: Benefits and Ethical Dilemmas |
by York W. Bradshaw, Johannes Britz, Theo Bothma and Coetzee Bester |
Language: English |
abstract: The global digital divide represents one of the most significant examples of international inequality. In North America and Western Europe, nearly 70% of citizens use the Internet on a regular basis, whereas in Africa less than 4% do so. Such inequality impacts business and trade, online education and libraries, telemedicine and health resources, and political information and e-government. In response, a group of educators and community leaders in South Africa and the United States have used various information technologies to create a "global classroom" that connects people in the two countries. University students, high school students, and other citizens communicate via Internet exchanges, video conferencing, and digital photo essays. The project has produced a number of tangible benefits and it has developed a model for reducing inequality in global education, at least for those institutions with the technological resources to participate. We also present several recommendations for how to expand the initiative and thereby increase the number of people who can benefit from it. |
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Co-Production on the Web: Social Software as a Means of Collaborative Value Creation in Web-based Infrastructures
by Tassilo Pellegrini |
Language: English |
abstract: The concept of co-production was originally introduced by political science to explain citizen participation in the provision of public goods. The concept was quickly adopted in business research targeting the question how users could be voluntarily integrated into industrial production settings to improve the development of goods and services on an honorary basis. With the emergence of the Social Software and web-based collaborative infrastructures the concept of co-production gains importance as a theoretical framework for the collaborative production of web content and services. This article argues that co-production is a powerful concept, which helps to explain the emergence of user generated content and the partial transformation of orthodox business models in the content industries. Applying the concept of co-production to developmental policies could help to theorize and derive new models of including underprivileged user groups and communities in collaborative value creation on the web for the mutual benefit of service providers and users. |
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Challenges and opportunities in the protection and preservation of Indigenous Knowledge in Africa |
by Jangawe Msuya |
Language: English |
abstract: This paper presents challenges and opportunities in the protection and preservation of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in Africa. Specific examples have been taken from the Maasai pastoralists and the Sambaa and Zigua traditional medicine-men of North Eastern Tanzania. The paper argues that there is a threat of IK extinction due to lack of recording and problems associated with preservation and protection of the knowledge from pirates. Examples on efforts made by Tanzania in IK preservation, including efforts made by Economic and Social Research Foundation in developing IK database and training initiatives at University of Dar es Salaam are discussed. Ethical issues in IK Systems are also discussed with emphasis on returning IK benefits to the owners of the knowledge, and involvement of people in IK researches. Finally, the paper highlights challenges in IK prevention and suggests measures that can be taken to alleviate the challenges. These include among others, developing appropriate IK policies and practices, establishing IK resource centres, training, researching and developing South South IK networks. |
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