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Issue No. 024
edited by Gopal T V, Anthony Lobo, Pavan Duggal
India is the world's largest provider of IT services accounting for approximately 140 billion of revenues. The industry employs about 10 million workforces today. According to Google estimates, the Indian developer community will be the largest in the world by 2018.
While in the very beginning and rather stable for a long time India's competitive advantage was mainly being significantly cheaper India is gaining today more and more prominence also in terms of intellectual capital with several global IT firms setting up their innovation centers in India. Indeed, the IT industry has led to a fundamental transformation of the country concerning almost every sector: from economy to labour, education, science, politics and even culture and religion.
These two aspects of the development in India illustrate two very important issues for Information Ethics:
- Firstly, in contrary to the early discussion of the phenomenon called Digital Divide IT doesn't cement the separation of haves (of digital access in the Western world) and have-nots (in the rest of the world). It rather is one of the most powerful and fastest developing sources of value creation in human history.
- Yet, secondly, we observe another divide caused by the transformational power of the digital technologies equally important and demanding: the creation of privileged highly individualized workplaces on the one hand - allowing for self-fulfilment and self-control through the new technologies. And on the other hand, a precarious “cybertariat”, which is just as online but online for labour virtually round the clock, mainly externally controlled by algorithms (be it in vehicles scheduled by Uber, be it in the high-tech warehouses of Amazon or offering their workforce on online exchanges on pay-as-you-go basis) without any social security against layoffs, unemployment or regarding their actual working conditions.
The latter change of paradigms raises questions that cannot be answered from classical business ethics. How shall our working world be organized under the circumstances of digitalization and subjectification? How can industrial democracy be transformed into a digital. What should it aim for? How can new forms of industrial action in digital capitalism look like?
The tearing pace of the development in India raises these questions at the utmost urgency. Nonetheless, under the subject "Ethics for Indian Cybertariats", Indian scholars have also initiated the necessary intellectual discussion to govern these issues and find answers to the questions posed by it. We are thankful that we can share this in this wonderful issue.
Sincerely yours,
the Editors.
Ethics for Indian Cybertariats |
by Gopal T V, Anthony Lobo, Pavan Duggal |
Language: English |
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Trust, Technology and Requisite Variety |
by Javier Livas |
Language: English |
abstract: The Cybernetic State is about using what we know now about cybernetics to create a better society for all. It is about satisfying people’s needs from a platform of individual freedom and responsibility. It is also about using computers wisely. In order to do that, technology has to produce transparency so that as many people as possible contribute to the new social order. To create a transparent government implies making it easy to understand and very dependable. |
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Ethical Concerns of Human-Being, Cyber-Being and Cybertariat: An Educational Perspective |
by Raghubir Sharan & Bijoy Boruah |
Language: English |
abstract: Few would deny that machines (along with intelligent machines) are a cultural creation of great significance. The Human race has shown extraordinary skills in achieving this glory. But this is not the glory of an unblemished modern humanity. While humankind has been admirably powerful in creatively controlling external forces, there has not been a similar display of control over the inner forces of selfish desire and the will to individual power. Education, it its true spirit, is a noble endeavour dedicated to a proper balancing of the external and the internal forces operative in the human psyche. The currently overwhelming prevalence of STEM education seems to be more aligned to the 'external' end of this spectrum of human drive, whereas the disciplines of the Humanities critically address themselves to the imminent problem of imbalance and are attuned to the pursuit of the 'internal' end. Whether we can hope for a future far better than the past, or fall into a state of despair by doing worse than our past, crucially depends on the extent to which higher education in contemporary times is wedded to the virtue of attaining the balance. |
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Ethics for Indian Cybertariats - LAG Neutrality Challenges and Solutions |
by Na. Vijayashankar |
Language: English |
abstract: The growth of Cybertariats as a new class of workers who represent an integration of the Cyber Society work with existence in Physical space has opened up new challenges in the management of the work force.
The key concerns or issues are those which arise in the world of Cybertariats because of the “LAG neutrality” namely the “Location Neutrality”, “Age Neutrality” and “Gender Neutrality” of a Cybertariat worker.
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Cyber Terrorism And Cyber Law - Duties Of Service Providers |
by Pavan Duggal |
Language: English |
abstract: The year 2017 has dawned in a new era. This is an era where cyber terrorism and cyber extremism are increasingly going to be significant factors in our day-to-day lives. Whether we like it or not, today social media platforms are infiltrated with cyber terrorists and cyber extremists. In addition, Cyber radicalization as a phenomenon is constantly on the rise. |
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4th National Cyber Security Workshop, 11-12 Nov 2016, Mumbai |
by Anthony Lobo |
Language: English |
abstract: The 4th National Cyber Security Workshop organised by IEEE India Council was held in Mumbai at the sprawling Yantra Park, Thane Campus of Tata Consultancy Services on 11 & 12 November, 2016. This event follows two successful editions of the workshop in Ahmedabad (2013) and Bangalore (2014 & 2015). |
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International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity |
by Pavan Duggal |
Language: English |
abstract: This article reports from the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity (17th & 18th NOVEMBER, 2016, New Delhi - www.cyberlawcybercrime.com). The Conference was addressed by more than 150 speakers backed by more than 80 supporters. It was a wonderful opportunity to network with international thought leaders under one roof.
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Further Readings |
selected by the editors |
Language: English |
abstract: These further readings on the subject are selected and suggested by the editors of this issue and are published here with kind permissons of the owners of the respective copyrights.
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